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TravelPal - Universal app(iPad/iphone/ipod touch)
TravelPal is a strong tool for your tour. Regardless business or pleasure trip, you're able to make notes for planning, reservation, diary, calendar, expenses, as well as photos for your memories and records. This is a special edition of 'TravelPal' in Simplified Chinese only. The multiply languages version released in global App Stores is coming soon!(Detail)
Poker Tractor Tea House
Poker Tractor Tea House
– universal version (ipad/iphone/ipod touch) Support Bluetooth, Wifi connection and Game Center multi players game
A very popular card game in China, names 'poker tractor' or 'poker escalator'. The game rule is a little similar as the worldwide games Bridge or Spades. You have 1 partner and 2 opponents to compete. But poker tractor has more fun and surprises than other card games. Luck and destiny might be the top keys comparing to the techniques and skills here. It's also support Bluttooth, wifi and Apple game center multi players game. (Detail)
Chinese Majiang Tea House HD
Chinese Majiang Tea House HD
–universal version (ipad/iphone/ipod touch) Support Bluetooth, Wifi connection and Game Center multi players game
This is the only bilingual (Chinese/English) Northern China Mahjong game from itunes. The super strong computer AI and professional design of tea pot, cup and leaf buttons bring you to the fantasy of Chinese Mahjong world. The popular Beijing Rule and Wild card Rule are available. Players also are able to pick and choose Win game types and points. All Win game type descriptions, instructions, calculations as well as multi players are embbeded in to 'Help'. (Detail)
Spade7 - Universal app(iPad/iphone/ipod touch) Support Game Center multi players
Spade7 is one of the most popular card game in Northern China. No matter a primary school student or a card game expert, even some professional bridge cards masters are addicted to the spade7. It's a game in all ages's type. The reason that spade7 has millions of fans, is not only coming from the fun, but in practicing one's brain as well. Our spade7 has super strong computer AI like all other Pharose series games. You'll see that the AI players have excellent calculating and decision skills, be armed to teeth fighting you. But I trust you will be the winner with good strategy and a little luck.(Detail)

《画虫儿》是著名京味儿作家刘一达继《人虫儿》之后,历时五年,深入书画收藏界,潜心创作的有关书画行家“画虫儿”的长篇力作。人物栩栩如生,语言风趣老到,京味儿实足,底蕴丰厚,堪称当代京味儿经典。刘一达当代京味儿长篇小说扛鼎之作!画坛现状聚焦,当下世象写真。 (详细)

幸福是简单而朴素的,爱情的面目却和天气一样易变。几对年轻人在情感的河流中沉沉浮浮,确定自己的感情方向有时比把握别人的爱情更让人困惑。但是,几番波澜起伏之后,他们面对着自己的内心,仿佛从一场宿醉中突然清醒了过来,发现原本黯淡的生活,像金币一样在阳光下闪闪发亮。《爱情走过夏日的街》:所有关于爱情的事,都是闪闪发亮的。 魏微、戴来、朱文颖三大才女作家联袂推荐!金仁顺爱情小说代表作,中韩感人至深的爱情故事,金仁顺小说的迷人,是使人清醒而觉醒的那种迷,是魔境而不是迷宫,呈现给读者的不是万物花开,而是含苞待放,给人期待和某种不见芳香却可以想像的微妙。 (详细)

这是一部引人入胜的小说。爱情在生命逝去后仍旧绵延不绝,读这部小说,就仿佛缓缓展开一幅图画:爱情、友情、亲情,所有的美好情感被意外和疾病撕成碎片,让人坠入痛苦的深渊;而痛苦恰如泥土,让希望的幼芽生长、成熟,各种情感碎片也在找寻和修补的过程中,重新组合成另外一副画图。小说直面当下青年人躁动不安的灵魂,游移不定的情感,结构新颖,语言生动。 ——金仁顺(作家,代表作《绿茶》) 年轻的女主人公为了抚平自己爱的创痛而四处寻访爱人逝去后捐赠器官的下落——仅凭作者这一句对故事大意的描述,便勾引着我在心痛、惋惜、错愕和感动中读完了整篇小说,思索可能会成为每位读者在不知不觉中给自己留下的家庭作业。 ——田迪(导演,代表作《来来往往》) (详细)

“谜男”顾名思义,谜一样的男人,他没有名字,唯一知道的是他父亲的名字叫“鱼尾”,而父亲给他的唯一物品是做工奇特的“十字架”。“谜男”在看完三流作家熊吉的所有小说后发现,里面说的很可能是自己父亲的真实故事,于是找到三流作家熊吉。 “谜男”联系上熊吉后却发现这些小说并不是熊吉亲自构思的,而是从一个终级BOSS的口述中得来。在找到BOSS与之交谈后,“谜男”最终以“钓鱼男?的代号加入了BOSS的组织SDC(Shadow Detective Club)——影子侦探俱乐部。BOSS承诺,钓鱼男每破获一个案件,将透露给他一部分他父亲的信息。从此,钓鱼男踏上了寻找真相的历程,也开始了寻找自己身世的旅途。 本书为《谜男》系列第一部:三年前,福达集闭老总李宝衍的前妻离奇意外死亡,三年后,李宝衍出国考察期间,其女昏迷,情妇惨死家中,凶手究竟是谁?真的有死亡守护神吗?钓鱼男的环环推理最终发现让所有人震惊的结果…… (详细)

味道在老槐树的浓阴里,味道在老墙皮的缝隙间。胡同味道是带着暖意的温情。别跟老胡同过不去。灰砖灰瓦的胡同与红墙黄瓦的宫殿交辉互映,四合院里的天棚鱼缸石榴树沾着皇气。记忆的光影,历史的风尘,岁月的篇章,夕阳下的惆怅,带着泪水的微笑。恢宏而大气,绵长而幽深,凝重而隽永。胡同味道,耐人咂摸,回味无穷。 (详细)

这是一本描述东西方文化碰撞,时尚、潮流以及大都市生活的书。一本中国本土的“欲望城市”。从纽约到巴黎、旧金山、硅谷,到香港、深圳、北京、上海,作者穿梭于国际个大都市,以她多姿多彩的生活像我们揭示了一群前卫而时尚的人群:有新贵、海归、外企人、暴发户、媒体人和美女作家。从龙舌兰酒、香槟、白手套以及杰尼亚西服组成的新人类时尚奢华的派对中,我们看到中国崛起的中产阶级和一个庞大的消费阶层。... (详细)